Analytics for PHP
Maintenance libraries send data as intended but receive no new feature support and only critical maintenance updates from Segment. When possible, Segment recommends using a Flagship version of these libraries.
Segment’s PHP library lets you record analytics data from your PHP code. The requests hit Segment servers, and then Segment routes your data to any analytics service you enable on your destinations page.
This library is open-source, so you can check it out on GitHub.
PHP is a little different than Segment’s other server-side libraries because it is a single-threaded language. Segment worked to make the PHP library as performant as possible, while still leaving you room to tune the settings for your application. If you want to learn more about tuning your settings for high performance, be sure to read through the section on configuration at the end of this guide.
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Getting Started
Clone the repository from GitHub into your desired application directory.
For composer users: Segment’s got you covered too.
git clone /my/app/folders/
Add the following to your PHP script to actually load the Segment analytics library in your code:
use Segment\Segment;
Now, you’re ready to actually initialize the module. In the following examples, rename this module to be Analytics
for convenience. In your initialization script, go ahead and make the following call:
# set up our Segment tracking and
# alias to Analytics for convenience
class_alias('Segment', 'Analytics');
You only need to call init
once when your php file is requested. All of your files will then have access to the same Analytics
Of course, you’ll want to replace YOUR_WRITE_KEY
with your actual Write Key which you can find in Segment under your source settings.
The default PHP consumer is the lib-curl consumer. If this is not working well for you, or if you have a high-volume project, you may want to try one of our other consumers like the fork-curl consumer.
Regional configuration
For Business plans with access to Regional Segment, you can use the host
configuration parameter to send data to the desired region:
- Oregon (Default) —
- Dublin —
For any of the different methods described on this page, you can replace the properties and traits in the code samples with variables that represent the data collected.
Identify calls let you tie a user to their actions, and record traits about them. It includes a unique User ID and any optional traits you know about them.
Segment recommends calling Identify a single time when the user’s account is first created, and only identifying again later when their traits change.
Here’s what a basic call to Identify might look like:
"userId" => "2sfjej334",
"traits" => array(
"email" => $user->email,
"name" => $user->name,
"friends" => 25
This identifies the user by his unique User ID (the one you know him by in your database) and label him with email
, name
and friends
The Identify call has the following fields:
userId String |
The ID for this user in your database. |
traits Array, optional |
A hash of traits you know about the user. Things like: email , name or friends . |
anonymousId String, optional |
If you want to track users anonymously, you can include the Anonymous ID instead of a User ID |
timestamp Number, optional |
The number of seconds since the unix epoch (time() ) representing when the identify took place. If the identify just happened, leave it out and we’ll use the server’s time. If you’re importing data from the past, make sure you to provide a timestamp . |
context Array, optional |
An object containing any number of options or context about the request. To see the full reference of supported keys, check them out in the context reference |
Find details on the identify method payload in the Segment Spec.
Track lets you record the actions your users perform.Every action triggers what Segment calls an “event”, which can also have associated properties.
You’ll want to track events that are indicators of success for your site, like Signed Up, Item Purchased or Article Bookmarked.
To get started, Segment recommends tracking just a few important events. You can always add more later.
Example Track call:
"userId" => "f4ca124298",
"event" => "Signed Up",
"properties" => array(
"plan" => "Enterprise"
That’s just telling you that your user just triggered the Signed Up event and chose your hypothetical Enterprise plan.
Track event properties can be anything you want to record, for example:
"userId" => "f4ca124298",
"event" => "Article Bookmarked",
"properties" => array(
"title" => "Snow Fall",
"subtitle" => "The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek",
"author" => "John Branch"
The Track call has the following fields:
userId String |
The ID for this user in your database. |
event String |
The name of the event you’re tracking. Segment recommends human-readable names like Song Played or Status Updated. |
properties Array, optional |
A hash of properties for the event. If the event was Product Added to cart, it might have properties like price or product . |
anonymousId String, optional |
If you want to track users anonymously, you can include the Anonymous ID instead of a User ID |
timestamp Number, optional |
The number of seconds since the unix epoch (time() ) representing when the identify took place. If the identify just happened, leave it out and we’ll use the server’s time. If you’re importing data from the past, make sure you to provide a timestamp . |
context Array, optional |
An object containing any number of options or context about the request. To see the full reference of supported keys, check them out in the context reference |
Find details on best practices in event naming as well as the Track method payload in the Segment Spec.
The Page method lets you record page views on your website, along with optional extra information about the page being viewed.
If you’re using Segment’s client-side set up in combination with the PHP library, page calls are already tracked for you by default. However, if you want to record your own page views manually and aren’t using the client-side library, read on.
Example Page call:
"userId" => $user->id,
"category" => "Docs",
"name" => "PHP library",
"properties" => array(
"url" => ""
The Page call has the following fields:
userId String |
The ID for this user in your database. |
category String, optional |
The category of the page. Useful for industries, like ecommerce, where many pages might live under a larger category. Note: if you only pass one string to page Segment assumes it’s a name , not a category . You must include a name if you want to send a category . |
name String, optional |
The name of the page, for example Signup or Home. |
properties Object, optional |
A dictionary of properties of the page. Segment automatically sends the url , title , referrer and path , but you can add your own too. |
anonymousId String, optional |
If you want to track users anonymously, you can include the Anonymous ID instead of a User ID |
context Array, optional |
An object containing any number of options or context about the request. To see the full reference of supported keys, check them out in the context reference |
Find details on the Page payload in the Segment Spec.
Group lets you associate an identified user with a group. A group could be a company, organization, account, project or team. It also lets you record custom traits about the group, like industry or number of employees.
This is useful for tools like Intercom, Preact and Totango, as it ties the user to a group of other users.
Example Group call:
"userId" => $user->id,
"groupId" => $group->id,
"traits" => array(
"name" => $group->name,
"size" => $group->size
The Group call has the following fields:
userId String |
The ID for this user in your database. |
groupId String |
The ID for the group to associate with the user. |
traits Array, optional |
An array containing a the traits which the group should be tagged with. These might be things like the group’s name or employeeCount |
anonymousId String, optional |
If you want to track users anonymously, you can include the Anonymous ID instead of a User ID |
context Array, optional |
An object containing any number of options or context about the request. To see the full reference of supported keys, check them out in the context reference |
Find more details about Group including the Group payload in the Segment Spec.
Alias is how you associate one identity with another. This is an advanced method, but it is required to manage user identities successfully in some destinations.
In Mixpanel it’s used to associate an anonymous user with an identified user once they sign up. For Kissmetrics if your user switches IDs, you can use Alias to rename the userId
Example Alias call:
"previousId" => $previousId,
"userId" => $userId
The Alias call has the following fields:
userId String |
The ID for this user in your database. |
previousId String |
The previous ID to alias from. |
Here’s a full example of how you might use the Alias call:
# the anonymous user does actions ...
"userId" => "anonymous_user",
"event" => "Anonymous Event"
# the anonymous user signs up and is aliased
"previousId" => "anonymous_user",
"userId" => ""
# the identified user is identified
"userId" => "",
"traits" => array(
"plan" => "Free"
# the identified user does actions ...
"userId" => "",
"event" => "Identified Action"
For more details about Alias including the Alias call payload, check out the Segment Spec.
Historical Import
You can import historical data by adding the timestamp
argument to any of your method calls. This can be helpful if you’ve just switched to Segment.
Historical imports can only be done into destinations that can accept historical timestamped data. Most analytics tools like Mixpanel, Amplitude, Kissmetrics, etc. can handle that type of data just fine. One common destination that does not accept historical data is Google Analytics since their API cannot accept historical data.
Note: If you’re tracking things that are happening right now, leave out the timestamp
and Segment’s servers will timestamp the requests for you.
Selecting Destinations
The Alias, Group, Identify, Page, and Track calls can all be passed an array of integrations
that lets you turn certain destinations on or off. By default all destinations are enabled.
Using the integrations
array, you can specify which analytics providers you want each call to go to.
Here’s a Track call with the integrations
array shown:
"userId" => "9387459",
"event" => "Image Uploaded",
"integrations" => array(
"All" => false,
"Mixpanel" => true,
"" => true
In this case, you’re specifying that this Track call should to only go to Mixpanel and "All" => false
says that no destination should be enabled unless otherwise specified and "Mixpanel" => true
turns on Mixpanel.
Destination flags are case sensitive and match the destination’s name in the docs (for example, “AdLearn Open Platform”, “”, “MailChimp”, etc.).
Business Tier users can filter Track calls right from the Segment UI on your source schema page. Segment recommends using the UI if possible since it’s a much simpler way of managing your filters and can be updated with no code changes on your side.
If you are on a grandfathered plan, events sent server-side that are filtered through the Segment dashboard still count towards your API usage.
explicitly tells the PHP runtime to flush the data sent to Segment’s servers. In most configurations, this is done automatically by the runtime, but some PHP installations won’t take care of it for you, so it’s worth calling at the end of your script, just to be safe.
Because PHP is a single threaded and shared-nothing environment, Segment can’t use a queue in a separate thread or a connection pool to flush messages. Instead, you have the option to specify different consumers to make requests to Segment’s servers.
There are few options which you can use to configure your client to aid with debugging. These can be enabled with any of the consumers you use.
Segment::init("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", array(
"consumer" => "lib_curl",
"debug" => true,
"ssl" => false,
"error_handler" => function ($code, $msg) { [...] }
consumer String, optional |
To explicitly mark which consumer to use. Defaults to lib_curl . |
debug Boolean, optional |
Whether to log messages and wait for a response. Makes any queuing consumers non-async, defaults to false . |
ssl Boolean, optional |
Whether to use SSL for the connection, defaults to true . Because this adds significant round-trip time, change to false if you make many requests. |
error_handler Function, optional |
A handler which will be called on errors to aid in debugging, function ($code, $message) {} |
host String, optional |
To explicitly set which regional host to use. Defaults to . |
Lib-Curl Consumer
The lib-curl consumer is a reliable option for low-volume sources or if you want fast response times under light loads. The library runs synchronously, queuing calls and sending them in batches to Segment’s servers. By default, this happens every 100 calls, or at the end of serving the page. By default, Segment ignores http responses to optimize the library’s speed, but you can choose to wait for these responses by enabling debug mode.
If your servers are handling more than 20 requests per second, you may want to look at the file consumer to optimize performance.
There is a maximum of 500KB
per batch request and 32KB
per call.
HTTP Tracking API limits
Segment's HTTP Tracking API accepts batch requests up to 500KB. To avoid errors in event creation, ensure that individual event payload sizes remain below 32KB.
The lib-curl consumer is Segment’s default PHP library, although you may still initialize it explicitly and set queue and batch sizes in the library’s initialization settings.
Segment::init("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", array(
"consumer" => "lib_curl",
"debug" => true,
"max_queue_size" => 10000,
"batch_size" => 100
Fork-Curl Consumer
The fork-curl consumer should work best for cases where you can’t use persistent sockets, or want to ensure quick response times under light load. It works by creating an in-memory queue which buffers track and identify calls. The queue is flushed by forking an async curl
process that sends a batch request. By default, this happens every 100
calls, or at the end of serving the page. This consumer will spawn a separate process for each request which tracks events. If your servers are handling more than 20 requests per second, you may want to look at the file consumer.
To initialize the consumer explicitly, use "consumer" => "fork_curl"
as an entry in your options
Segment::init("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", array(
"consumer" => "fork_curl",
"debug" => true,
"max_queue_size" => 10000,
"batch_size" => 100
max_queue_size Number, optional |
The max size of the queue, defaults to 10000 items. |
batch_size Number, optional |
How many items to send in a single curl request, defaults to 100 . |
Socket Consumer
If you can’t spawn other processes from your PHP scripts, you can use the socket consumer, which will allow you to make requests to Segment. Each time a track or identify call is made, it will initiate a socket request to Segment’s servers. The socket request is about as async as you can get with PHP, where the request will write the event data and close the connection before waiting for a response. However, if your servers are dealing with more than 100s of requests per second or cannot use a persistent connection, you may want to use one of the other consumers instead.
To initialize the consumer explicitly, use "consumer" => "socket"
as an entry in your options
Segment::init("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", array(
"consumer" => "socket",
"timeout" => 0.5,
"debug" => true,
"error_handler" => function ($code, $msg) { error_log($msg); }
timeout Number, optional |
The number of seconds to wait for the socket request to time out, defaults to 0.5 . |
debug Boolean, optional |
Whether to check the response for an error, defaults to false . This will make the library block until a response has been received from the API, so it is not recommended for production use. |
error_handler Function, optional |
A function to handle errors, particularly useful for debugging. Note that if debug mode is not specified, then the error_handler will only be called on connection level errors and timeouts. |
File Consumer
The file consumer is a more performant method for making requests to Segment. Each time a track or identify call is made, it will record that call to a log file. The log file is then uploaded “out of band” by running the file.php
file found in the analytics-php repository.
To initialize this consumer explicitly, use "consumer" => "file"
as an entry in your options
Segment::init("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", array(
"consumer" => "file",
"filename" => "/tmp/analytics.log"
filename String, optional |
The location to write the log file, defaults to "/tmp/analytics.log" . |
To upload your log file to, simply run the send.php
file included as part of Segment’s repository.
php send.php --secret YOUR_WRITE_KEY --file /tmp/analytics.log
Segment recommends running this as part of a cron job every few minutes so that your log files stay manageable in size. Every time the send.php
runs it will remove the old log file for you once it has finished processing.
The easiest way to do this is to create a new cron job to upload your log files. Using the defaults, this cron job must run as the www-user. You should run the following commands in your terminal, but change the location of the PHP script to point at your analytics-php/send.php
$ # create a cron job that runs as www-data every minute
$ echo '*/1 * * * * www-data php /my/path/to/analytics-php/send.php > /dev/null' | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/analytics
$ sudo service cron reload # reload the cron daemon
The following tips often help resolve common issues.
No events in my debugger
Double check that you’ve followed all the steps in the Quickstart.
Make sure that you’re calling a Segment API method once the library is successfully installed—
, etc. -
Make sure your application isn’t shutting down before the
local queue events are pushed to Segment. You can manually callAnalytics.Client.Flush()
to ensure the queue is fully processed before shutdown.
Other common errors
If you are experiencing data loss from your PHP source, you may be experiencing one or more of the following common errors:
Payload is too large: If you attempt to send events larger than 32KB per normal API request or batches of events larger than 500KB per request, Segment’s tracking API responds with
400 Bad Request
. Try sending smaller events (or smaller batches) to correct this error. -
Identifier is not present: Segment’s tracking API requires that each payload has a
. If you send events without either theuserId
, Segment’s tracking API responds with anno_user_anon_id
error. Check the event payload and client instrumentation for more details. -
Track event is missing name: All Track events to Segment must have a name in string format.
Event dropped during deduplication: Segment automatically adds a
field to all payloads and uses this value to deduplicate events. If you’re manually setting amessageId
value, ensure that each event has a unique value. -
Incorrect credentials: Double check your credentials for your downstream destination(s).
Destination incompatibility: Make sure that the destination you are troubleshooting can accept server-side API calls. You can see compatibility information on the Destination comparison by category page and in the documentation for your specific destination.
Destination-specific requirements: Check out the destination’s documentation to see if there are other requirements for using the method and destination that you’re trying to get working.
3rd-Party Libraries
If you only need support for PHP5, the team at Underground Elephant has released a 3rd-party library based on Guzzle.
Alt Three Segment is a Segment bridge for Laravel. The GitHub repo can be found here: AltThree/Segment.
This page was last modified: 17 Jan 2025
Need support?
Questions? Problems? Need more info? Contact Segment Support for assistance!