analytics.js YouTube Plugin

With the analytics.js YouTube Plugin you can collect YouTube player events into the Segment ecosystem.

The Segment YouTube Plugin uses the following Google APIs:


To begin, create a new project in the Google Developer Console, then create a new API key in that project. You can read more about this process in the YouTube documentation on registering an application.

Secure your API keys

You can secure your API keys by adding API key restrictions, deleting unused API keys, and periodically rotating your keys.

Getting Started

After you’ve generated the API key:

  1. Enable a new plugin.
    • Navigate to Connections > Sources and choose the source you want to connect the YouTube plugin to. Go to the Settings tab of your source and select Plugins. You can enable the YouTube plugin from this menu:

    the plugins setting screen

    Note: Only JavaScript sources support plugins.

  2. Initialize the plugin by giving it access to the YouTube video player instance(s) running on your page. This can be done by adding this script, to the section of the source code where the page loads.
    • Use the initialize method in the YouTube onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() function to register and initialize the plugin with the player instance and your API key:
var player;
      function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
              player = new YT.Player('player', {
              height: '390',
              width: '640',
              videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE'
	      analytics.ready(function () {
    var ytAnalytics = new, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0365')

The plugin listens to the YouTube player for events, and fires the corresponding Segment Video Spec events on analytics.js.

Supported Events

The plugin tracks the following Segment Video Spec events:

Event Details
Video Playback Started When a user presses Play; after the last user action required for playback to begin. For example, after user login/authentication.

- If playing a single video, this fires when the video starts.
- If playing a playlist, this fires when the first video in the playlist starts.
Video Playback Completed When playback is complete and when the session finishes.

- If playing a single video, this fires when the video finishes.
- If playing a playlist, this event fires when the final video in the playlist finishes.
Video Playback Paused/Resumed When the user resumes playback after pausing.
Video Playback Buffer Started/Completed When playback starts and finishes buffering content or an ad.
Video Playback Seek Started/Completed When a user manually seeks a certain position of the content or ad in the playback.
Video Content Started/Completed When a video content segment starts and completes playing within a playback.

- If playing a playlist, these events get fired for each individual video.

Supported Properties

The plugin automatically attaches the following Segment Video Spec to the above events:

‘Playback’ Events

  • Total Length
  • Position
  • Quality
  • Video Player
  • Sound

‘Content’ Events

  • Title
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • Channel
  • Airdate
  • Duration

This page was last modified: 17 Jan 2025

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