Useful SQL Queries for Redshift

Below you’ll find a library of some of the most useful SQL queries customers use in their Redshift warehouses. You can run these in your Redshift instance with little to no modification.

If you’re looking to improve the speed of your queries, check out Segment’s Speeding Up Redshift Queries page.

You can use SQL queries for the following tasks:

If you’re looking for SQL queries for warehouses other than Redshift, check out some of Segment’s Analyzing with SQL guides.

Tracking events

The Track call allows you to record any actions your users perform. A Track call takes three parameters: the userId, the event, and any optional properties.

Here’s a basic Track call:

analytics.track('Completed Order',
  item: 'pants',
  color: 'blue'
  size: '32x32'
  payment: 'credit card'

A completed order Track call might look like this:

analytics.track('Completed Order', {
 item: 'shirt',
 color: 'green'
 size: 'Large'
 payment: 'paypal'

Each Track call is stored as a distinct row in a single Redshift table called tracks. To get a table of your completed orders, you can run the following query:

select *
from initech.tracks
where event = 'completed_order'

That SQL query returns a table that looks like this:

Screenshot of a SQL table, with event, event_id, user_id, sent_at, item, color, size, and payment columns.

But why are there columns in the table that weren’t a part of the Track call, like event_id? This is because the Track method (for client-side libraries) includes additional properties of the event, like event_id, sent_at, and user_id!

Grouping events by day

If you want to know how many orders were completed over a span of time, you can use the date() and count function with the sent_at timestamp:

select date(sent_at) as date, count(event)
from initech.tracks
where event = 'completed_order'
group by date

That query returns a table like this:

date count
2021-12-09 5
2021-12-08 3
2021-12-07 2

To see the number of pants and shirts that were sold on each of those dates, you can query that using case statements:

select date(sent_at) as date,
sum(case when item = 'shirt' then 1 else 0 end) as shirts,
sum(case when item = 'pants' then 1 else 0 end) as pants
from initech.tracks
where event = 'completed_order'
group by date

That query returns a table like this:

date shirts pants
2021-12-09 3 2
2021-12-08 1 2
2021-12-07 2 0

Define sessions

Segment’s API does not impose any restrictions on your data with regard to user sessions.

Sessions aren’t fundamental facts about the user experience. They’re stories Segment builds around the data to understand how customers actually use the product in their day-to-day lives. And since Segment’s API is about collecting raw, factual data, there’s no API for collecting sessions. Segment leaves session interpretation to SQL partners, which let you design how you measure sessions based on how customers use your product.

For more on why Segment doesn’t collect session data at the API level, check out a blog post here.

How to define user sessions using SQL

Each of Segment’s SQL partners allow you to define sessions based on your specific business needs. With Looker, for example, you can take advantage of their persistent derived tables and LookML modeling language to layer sessionization on top of your Segment SQL data. Segment recommends checking out Looker’s approach here.

To define sessions with raw SQL, a great query and explanation comes from Mode Analytics.

Here’s the query to make it happen, but read Mode Analytics’ blog post for more information. Mode walks you through the reasoning behind the query, what each portion accomplishes, how you can tweak it to suit your needs, and the kinds of further analysis you can add on top of it.

-- Finding the start of every session
  FROM (
       SELECT *
              LAG(sent_at,1) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY sent_at) AS last_event
        FROM "your_source".tracks
      ) last
WHERE EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM sent_at) - EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM last_event) >= (60 * 10)
   OR last_event IS NULL

-- Mapping every event to its session
       SUM(is_new_session) OVER (ORDER BY user_id, sent_at ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS global_session_id,
       SUM(is_new_session) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY sent_at ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS user_session_id
  FROM (
       SELECT *,
              CASE WHEN EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM sent_at) - EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM last_event) >= (60 * 10) 
                     OR last_event IS NULL 
                   THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_new_session
         FROM (
              SELECT *,
                     LAG(sent_at,1) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY sent_at) AS last_event
                FROM "your_source".tracks
              ) last
       ) final

Identify users

Historical traits

The Identify method ties user attributes to a userId.

  email: '',
  plan: 'Free'

As these user traits change over time, you can continue calling the Identify method to update their changes. With this query, you can update Bob’s account plan to “Premium”.

analytics.identify('bob123', {
  email: '',
  plan: 'Premium'

Each Identify call is stored in a single Redshift table called identifies. To see how a user’s plan changes over time, you can run the following query:

select email, plan, sent_at
from initech.identifies
where email = ''

This SQL query returns a table of Bob’s account information, with each entry representing the state of his account at different time periods:

user_id email plan sent_at
bob123 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
bob123 Basic 2021-12-18 17:48:10

If you want to see what your users looked like at a previous point in time, you can find that data in the identifies table. To get this table for your users, replace ‘initech’ in the SQL query with your source slug.

If you only want the current state of the users, convert the identifies table into a distinct users table by returning the most recent Identify call for each account.

Convert the identifies table into a users table

The following query returns the identifies table:

select *
from initech.identifies

That query returns a table like this:

user_id email plan sent_at
bob123 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
bob123 Basic 2021-12-18 17:48:10
jeff123 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
jeff123 Basic 2021-12-18 17:48:10

If all you want is a table of distinct user with their current traits and without duplicates, you can do so with the following query:

with identifies as (
  select user_id,
         row_number() over (partition by user_id order by sent_at desc) as rn
  from initech.identifies
users as (
  select user_id, 
  from identifies
  where rn = 1

select *
from users

Counts of user traits

Let’s say you have an identifies table that looks like this:

user_id email plan sent_at
bob123 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
bob123 Basic 2021-12-18 17:48:10
jeff123 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
jeff123 Basic 2021-12-18 17:48:10

If you want to query the traits of these users, you first need to convert the identifies table into a users table. From there, run a query like this to get a count of users with each type of plan:

with identifies as (
  select user_id,
         row_number() over (partition by user_id order by sent_at desc) as rn
  from initech.identifies
users as (
  select plan
  from identifies
  where rn = 1

select sum(case when plan = 'Premium' then 1 else 0 end) as premium,
       sum(case when plan = 'Free' then 1 else 0 end) as free
from users

And there you go: a count of users with each type of plan!

premium free
2 0

Groups to accounts

Historical Traits

The group method ties a user to a group. It also lets you record custom traits about the group, like the industry or number of employees.

Here’s what a basic group call looks like:'0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632', {
  name: 'Initech',
  industry: 'Technology',
  employees: 329,
  plan: 'Premium'

As these group traits change over time, you can continue calling the group method to update their changes.'0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632', {
  name: 'Initech',
  industry: 'Technology',
  employees: 600,
  plan: 'Enterprise'

Each group call is stored as a distinct row in a single Redshift table called groups. To see how a group changes over time, you can run the following query:

select name, industry, plan, employees, sent_at
from initech.groups
where name = 'Initech'

The previous query will return a table of Initech’s group information, with each entry representing the state of the account at different times.

name industry employees plan sent_at
Initech Technology 600 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
Initech Technology 349 Free 2021-12-18 17:18:15

If you want to see a group’s traits at a previous point in time, this query is useful (To get this table for your groups, replace ‘initech’ with your source slug).

If you only want to see the most recent state of the group, you can convert the groups table into a distinct groups table by viewing the most recent groups call for each account.

Converting the Groups Table into an Organizations Table

The following query will return your groups table:

select *
from initech.groups

The previous query returns the following table:

name industry employees plan sent_at
Initech Technology 600 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
Initech Technology 349 Free 2021-12-18 17:18:15
Acme Corp Entertainment 15 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
Acme Corp Entertainment 10 Free 2021-12-18 17:18:15

However, if all you want is a table of distinct groups and current traits, you can do so with the following query:

with groups as (
  select name,
         row_number() over (partition by name order by sent_at desc) as rn
  from initech.groups
organizations as (
  select name,
  from groups
  where rn = 1

select *
from organizations

This query will return a table with your distinct groups, without duplicates.

name industry employees plan sent_at
Initech Technology 600 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03
Acme Corp Entertainment 15 Premium 2021-12-20 19:44:03

This page was last modified: 07 Feb 2025

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